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What is the Opposite of Love?

September 25, 2022

Couple fighting over husband's indifference

Introduction: What is the Opposite of Love?

Love is one of the most complex emotions and can mean different things to different people. The opposite of love can be just as hard to define.  There are many shades of gray when it comes to the opposite of love. It can be a strong emotion like hate, or it can be a more passive feeling like indifference. So, what exactly is the opposite of love?

In this article, we’ll look at several different opinions on the opposite of love. First, though, we must examine what love is. Then, we turn to the feelings that are oft considered the opposite of love.

Person reaching out for something other than hatred because all they feel is the opposite of love

Defining Love

Love is a feeling of strong attachment or admiration and caring for someone or something. It can also be described as a deep emotion that one feels for another person and is usually associated with strong feelings of affection, happiness, and passion. Love is often thought of as being exclusively between two people, but it can also be felt for friends, family, pets, and other things.

It is something that many people strive for and hope to experience in their lifetime. The reality is that we are always experiencing love – whether it be from a romantic partner or not. We experience love from our friends when they help us with a problem; we experience love from our mentors when they guide us through difficult situations; and we experience love from ourselves when we take care of ourselves.

Being in Love

Being in love is one of the best experiences we can have as humans because of the joy it brings. When we are in love, we feel like we can accomplish anything. We have an extra spring in our step. Love gives us the strength to push ourselves harder and to be better than we ever thought possible. Love is what motivates us to get out of bed in the morning and face the day. It’s what drives us to be kinder, more patient, and more understanding. When we love someone, we want to be our best selves for them. We want to make them proud. All in all, love is what makes us better people. It challenges us to grow and change for the better.

What is the opposite of love this woman wonders

What is the Opposite of Love?

When it comes to love, we often think of it as a good thing. After all, who doesn’t want to feel loved? But what about the opposite of love? What is that?

Some people might say that the opposite of love is hate. But hate is a strong word and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t care about someone. It could just mean that you don’t like them very much. Others might say that the opposite of love is indifference. This makes more sense because if you don’t care about someone, then you don’t really have any feelings for them one way or the other. You’re just indifferent. So, what is the opposite of love? It could be argued that it’s either hate, fear, or indifference.

This woman experiences the opposite of love

Is it Hate?

When it comes to love and hate, they are often seen as two opposite ends of the spectrum. But what is hate? Hate is a feeling of intense dislike or hostility. It can be directed at people, groups, things, or ideas. It can be a destructive force in our lives, leading to division, violence, and sometimes even discrimination. This is because hate is often associated with feelings of anger, hostility, and resentment. On the other hand, hate can also be used to motivate us to stand up for what we believe in. For example, many oppressed peoples around the world may hate the living conditions they must tolerate. This late may cause them to rise for what is right.

Hate as a Longing

But, is hate the actual opposite of love? Well, according to some experts, hate is not the opposite of love. In fact, hate may even be a form of love.

Dr. Aaron Sell, a philosophy professor at the University of California Santa Barbara, believes that hate is “a kind of misguided love.” When we hate someone or something, we are actually reacting to something that we care about deeply. Sell gives the example of a parent who hates their child’s drug addiction. The parent loves their child and wants what’s best for them, but they also hate the addiction because it’s destroying their child’s life.

Love is something we all crave. It’s what makes us feel alive and whole. And when we don’t have it, we feel empty and lost. That’s why hate is such a powerful emotion. Because it’s born out of a deep longing for love. Hate is the result of love gone wrong. It’s the product of pain and hurt and anger. But it is not the opposite of love. So if hate isn’t the opposite of love, what is?

what is the opposite of love this woman screams to her partner

Is it Fear?

It is often said that fear is the opposite of love. Fear is a strong emotion is experienced in response to a perceived threat. Fear can lead to avoidance behaviors, such as staying away from people or situations that are perceived as dangerous. It can also cause physical reactions, such as increased heart rate and sweating.

There are several kinds of fear. Due to society’s conditioning, we are often afraid of failure, rejection, loss of power, and change. These types of fear are all related to the self and impact how we feel and behave. For example, when we are scared, we don’t make rational decisions, we’re not innovative, and we lack joy. So, our fear is grounded in a lack of self-acceptance. And, with a lack of self-acceptance comes a lack of self-love. This line of reasoning is why people often consider fear the opposite of love.

So, is it fear? Is fear the true opposite of love? Well, not exactly. When we are free of fear, we may not exactly feel love, but instead a sense of calmness. So, what is the opposite of love?

Man is at a table feeling hatred over relationship ending

Is it Indifference?

Finally, many people argue that indifference or apathy is the opposite of love. Indifference is a state of mind in which one is neither interested nor concerned. It can be viewed as positive or negative, depending on the situation. When it comes to important matters, indifference can be seen as a bad thing because it indicates a lack of care or concern. But in other cases, indifference can be helpful. For example, if you’re trying to stay calm in a difficult situation, feigning indifference can be a useful strategy.

In any case, indifference is often considered the opposite of love. Consider the words of Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel prize-winner:

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference”.

Indifference is hurtful to experience from those you love – or from anyone really. It feels as though you do not matter to them, like you just are something that takes up space. Indifference makes us feel lesser than; it makes us question our worth. For this reason, many people consider indifference the opposite of love.

Growing apart because of indifference
Feeling Indifferent

Do you think you feel indifferent to the struggles of the people around you or your own struggles? Do you think that you feel this way so that you do not have to feel your emotions in your body? If so, you’re not alone. A common coping strategy is to avoid vulnerability by being indifferent. But why avoid vulnerability? Whether consciously or not, we often have a belief or instinct to not feel deeply nor share our feelings with others because we fear it would threaten our esteem or safety. Many times, we have these beliefs due to trauma or neglect we experienced in our formative years. Overall, these instincts and beliefs make us wary about vulnerability

Indifference, essentially, is a way to dull our emotions in order to avoid vulnerability. In our minds, if we feel “too much”, then that’d mean we would have to endure sensations like lack of control, confusion, and discomfort. In this sense, indifference is a coping strategy to allow us to feel safety and a sense of control.


Indifference may be your shield to the deep feelings you carry in your body. You may seek to numb your feelings in order to feel as though you are strong. Hence, you may see vulnerability as a weakness. However, vulnerability is anything but a weakness. It takes courage to be vulnerable. To be vulnerable means that you have the capacity to feel deep emotions and experience your feelings in the moment. It means accepting yourself fully and wholly.

There are many benefits to vulnerability. When we’re vulnerable, we’re open to new experiences and possibilities. Moreover, we allow ourselves to be seen and heard when we are vulnerable. We’re also more likely to connect with others on a deeper level. Vulnerability allows for so much – and we should strive for it. So, how can you get the courage to be more vulnerable? You can take the step of being honest with yourself about your own feelings. Consider journaling or meditating to do this.

No matter how difficult being vulnerable is, do not feel discouraged. We are taught that vulnerability is a weakness, and it can be difficult to unlearn this. Over time, you can practice vulnerability with those you feel safe with. Don’t worry too much; you will get there.

Courage is important for vulnerability

Conclusion: What is the Opposite of Love?

In conclusion, it is clear that indifference is the opposite of love. Indifference is often a coping strategy for people who do not want to fully feel their emotions. However, with time and practice, you can overcome indifference and be able to express your vulnerabilities.