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Is Trust an Emotion?

September 17, 2022

Is trust an emotion the two people wonder as they hold hands

Introduction: Is Trust an Emotion

Trust is a key component in every relationship. Whether you are talking about the relationship between a parent and child, or a spouse and their partner, you are sure to find that trust is present in these connections. All relationships require trust to work correctly. So what is trust? Is trust an emotion?

In this article we will define trust, discuss what emotions are, examine the relationship between trust and emotions, and finally touch upon vulnerability.

A parent-child relationship requires trust

Defining Trust

We have established that trust is crucial to every successful, healthy relationship. But what is trust? Is trust an emotion? Considering this is equal parts a psychological question and a philosophical question, we will offer different explanations.

The Psychological Explanation

First, psychologists have found that trust is more so a “feeder” of emotion rather than an emotion itself. In other words, trust induces feelings of happiness and joy. Furthermore, trust is based on two foundationally different kinds of traits: warmth and competence. Warmth refers to how much we like and care about someone, while competence reflects our assessment of how capable they are. Together, these two factors influence whether we feel safe trusting another person. So, trust is not an emotion but rather a “feeder” of positive emotions that is based upon warmth and competence.

Philosophical Definitions

Moreover, there are a lot of different philosophical interpretations to the question of whether trust is an emotion. For some, trust is simply feeling confident in someone or something. This confidence is based upon the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, or effective. In this case, trust is built over time through positive experiences, actions, and consistency. For others, trust is about feeling safe—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Regardless of your definition of trust, it is important to recognize that trust plays a crucial role in our relationships. Without trust, we would be constantly living in fear—afraid to take chances or try new things. We wouldn’t be able to build relationships or feel secure in our choices. Trust gives us the courage to live our lives more fully.

Sad girl wonders if trust is an emotion then why is it hard to feel ti

What are Emotions?

Now that we have defined trust, we can move onto defining emotions. An emotion is a mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes. It is a person’s response to an event or stimulus and can be positive (happy, relieved, excited) or negative (angry, sad, disgusted). These six emotions are the core six emotions we experience. So, is trust an emotion? No. Trust results in happy and joyful emotions.

Moreover, it is important to note that emotions are one of the most complex and interesting topics in psychology. There are many different theories about what emotions are and how they work, but there is still much to be learned about this fascinating topic.

Theories of Emotions

One theory suggests that emotions are made up of three different components: physiological arousal, cognitive appraisal, and behavioral expression. This theory suggests that when we experience an emotion, our body responds first with physiological arousal (such as increased heart rate or sweating), then we appraise or assess the situation to see if it is a threat or opportunity, and finally we express our emotions through our behaviors (such as smiling or crying).

Another theory suggests that emotions are evolutionary adaptations that help us survive and thrive in the world. This theory suggests that emotions evolved because they helped our ancestors to avoid danger, find mates, and care for their young.

All in all, emotions are important because they allow us to communicate our innermost thoughts and feelings, and they motivate us to take action.

It takes trust for this father to throw his daughter

Is Trust an Emotion: The Role of Trust in Emotions

Is trust an emotion? No. So, what is the role of trust in emotions?

Well, for one, trust can help us feel more positive emotions. When we trust someone, we are more likely to feel happy, content, and loved. This is because we know that we can rely on this person to be there for us when we need them. We also feel safe sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with them, knowing that they will not judge or hurt us, causing negative feelings.

Trust can also help protect us from negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. If we know that someone has our back, we are less likely to worry about what could go wrong in a situation. In this way, trust improves our relationships. For example, when we have more trust in someone, we are less likely to be jealous or suspicious of them. We would also be less likely to feel isolated or lonely when the person we rely on is not present.

All in all, trust induces positive emotions while also protecting us from negative emotions. Hence, it is important to be vulnerable so we can express our emotions and reap the benefits.

Loving couple shares trust

Trust and Vulnerability

When it comes to trust, we often think about it in terms of our relationships with others. But what about trust within ourselves? Can we be vulnerable enough to trust our own emotions and instincts?

It can be difficult to do, but learning to trust ourselves is an important step in living a fulfilling life. After all, if we can’t trust ourselves, who can we trust? There are many things that can get in the way of trusting ourselves, such as fear, trauma, or doubt. But if we can learn to push through those negative emotions, we’ll find that trusting ourselves can lead to some amazing things.

So how do we start building this self-trust? By being vulnerable. It may not be easy, but it’s worth it. When we open up and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we’re giving ourselves permission to trust our own emotions and instincts. Moreover, being vulnerable allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and build trust.

How to Open Up

Here are some tips to learn how to open up and be vulnerable:

It takes trust to build new friendships

Learning to Trust: Vulnerability and Communication

In order to trust someone, we first have to be vulnerable. We have to be willing to open up and share our emotions with them. This can be a scary thing to do, but it’s also necessary in order to build a strong trusting relationship. See the tips above to see how you can become more vulnerable, no matter how scary it seems.

Furthermore, the key to learning to trust someone is communication. We need to be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other. This means being able to share our feelings, thoughts, and needs without fear of judgement or rejection. It can be difficult to do this at first, but the more we practice it, the easier it will become.

If we want someone we can truly trust, we need to be willing to give them the same level of trust that we expect from them. This means being honest, reliable, and supportive.

Trust and emotions shaken upon

Conclusion: Is Trust an Emotion

So, is trust an emotion? Well, with psychological research, we can conclusively decide it is not an emotion but rather a feeder of emotion. Trust induces positive emotions while protecting us from negative emotions. Additionally, trust is a cognitive process that involves the assessment of another person or thing. This assessment is based on past experiences and interactions.

So, while we may want to trust given its benefits, we may have trouble learning to trust if we have had past negative experiences. Thus, in order to trust, we should work first on our vulnerability. We can do this by journaling, being honest with ourselves, and taking leaps of faith. This can improve our self-trust, which in turn, can push us to trust others as well. All in all, if you have trouble being vulnerable and trusting others or yourself, do not forget that you can make progress on this. Do not give up. You deserve to experience the fulfilling emotions that arise from a relationship built on trust.